garden var 110g 2,40
Cucumber Balkan F1 10pcs 1,10

5 in stock


5 in stock

Liquid fertilizer N 15.5 with trace elements B, Mo. The fertilizer is suitable for crops sensitive to boron deficiency: cabbage, root crops, apples, cherries, currants, tomatoes, peppers, beets, strawberries, grapes, eggplants, potatoes, corn. The lack of boron especially affects the formation of the reproductive organs of the plant – after flowering, the plants do not bloom or form fruits. Boron helps in the production and distribution of pollen; for flowering and fertilization of flowers, formation and development of pods, prevention of rotting of the beet core, restriction of root vegetation.

Application: With a prepared solution at a concentration of 0.2% (2 ml / 1 l of water) Vegetables are sprayed for the first time when 8-10 leaves appear. Potatoes are sprayed 1-2 times per season when the tubers reach a height of 20 cm. , repeat after 14 days; Cabbage, carrots, celery – 2-3 times per season, beets – before the leaves close the furrows. Strawberries, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants are sprayed during the flowering period 2-3 times a week until fruit ovaries are formed. Spray fruit trees, berry trees, grapes in the phase of bud break before flowering, as well as after the formation of fruits.

Preparation of the solution: Measure and pour the required amount of the drug (measuring cup in the package) into the sprayer, fill the sprayer with the required amount of water, mix.

Contents: 10ml (dose for 5 liters of water)

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